3’s Preschool SUPPLY LIST
Backpack—regular size (folder, boots, & snowpants will all need to fit)
2 Folders—with 2 bottom pockets (1 for backpack, 1 to keep at school)
Blanket—50” X 60” approximately (so it can be folded and used like a sleeping bag)
Extra clothes—pants, T-shirt, sweatshirt, socks, and underwear in a Zip-loc bag (please label each piece)
Facial Tissue—1 box (We may ask for more later.)
Crackers or dry cereal (fingerfood) for snack—1 box (We may ask for more later.)
Cups—2 packages of 5 oz. wax-coated paper cups or plastic cups
Family Photo (4” X 6”) to display or put in our family photo album